What is IRPay's Payment Gateway API?

The IRPAY APIs allow you to collect, hold and release payments for cross-border transactions.
IRPAY API provides a quick and easy step to integrate payment to your web application or website.

The following steps must be duly follows to integrate the API to your website.

STEP I: Setup new account if you a new user by visiting https://account.irpay.ng/Register to register
STEP II: After Registration, Login to your account and click on Developer Tool link and copy the live security key and put the key at the header of your request as ApiKey
STEP III: To initialize payment, Send POST request to this URL ( ) and Include the Live secret key of the account at the header of the request as ApiKey
The Request Format is stated below:

The Request Format is stated below:
ReferenceNo: It is a unique characters that needs to be generated for every request. It is a string Field
Amount: This is the amount that needs to be paid. The minimum payment Amount is 20.
CustomerEmail: The e-mail address of the person who is making the payment
Currency: The currency of the payment. For Instance NGN for Naira and USD for Dollar
CallbackUrl: The page url you want the payment gateway to redirect to after the payment has been made.

Expected Response
The response of the payment is stated below: